Homemade Almond Milk

I have discovered the joy of homemade almond milk. It is simple to make and tastes delicious.


To make it you need:

1 cup raw almonds (these should be soaked overnight)
2 cups cold water
A cheesecloth
A container

After the almonds have been soaked, rinse them and place them in a blender with two cups cold water. Blend until the water looks creamy.

Place your cheesecloth over your container and let your almond milk drain through. Feel free to squeeze the cheese cloth to get out the excess moisture. You can dry out the almond meal and use it in baked goods.

Once your almond milk is in a container feel free to add whatever sweetener you may wish to add.

For some vegan shake ideas check out this page: http://www.brit.co/#post/dairy-free-shakes

I tried the mint chocolate chip recipe and it was amazing 🙂

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